Got out with my buddy Andrew on Sunday for a long float through some pretty water. Floated a new (to me) section of water that I’ve wanted to hit for some time. A few stretches were a bit less pretty than others, but in ten hours, the only souls we saw on the water were two dudes standing by the shore and a family out for a swim whose girls got themselves in some water that was a bit too fast for them as we were coming up on them. That was a bit hairy, but the dads were able to calm them down and get them out of the rapids. We did hear some rednecks lighting off loud booms. The ones that went off too damned close to us for comfort were a bit spooky. Rednecks and explosives. It’s natural selection at its finest.
Fishing started off with me getting three eats right away. Lost them. Them’s the breaks. After coming up to a big tree blocking the river we had to go over, I finally landed a nice healthy smallie. Damn it felt good. Nothing much in my world beats the look of a smallmouth that you know eats well and has little to worry about in the way of predators. The colors of a healthy smallmouth are so varied that it’s always a surprise. Surprises are like strippers that jump out of birthday cakes. Awesome.
In case it wasn’t clear, that was the only fish of the day. Fishing shut down after that. The sun came up high, the heat kicked up hard, and we cooked for the duration. The lack of fish wasn’t from lack of trying, we don’t give up easy.
Some observations:
We wants the money Laboski, classic.