Superstitions are dumb. There, I said it. If you are illogical enough to believe that a banana will cause you to not catch fish, well, I might smack you upside the head with that awesome monocarpic flowering plant otherwise known as natures candy. No joke, I will throw a banana at your head if you ever tell me a piece of fruit stops you from catching fish. It’s not supernatural causality keeping you from catching fish, no more so than the pseudoscience known as astrology making your day better, Miss Cleo knowing who you will marry, or little Johnny getting healed by the snake oil salesman at the traveling salvation show.
The next stickers I have made will be bananas. I’m taking the banana back. Bananas for life.
Put that on a mango and I’m all in.
Now I’ve got that old Saturday Night Live skit in my head..
I have to say that lil bananagram is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a while. Cool stuff. I may have to disfigure a sweet potato now.
Do it. My friend did this and handed it to me at work one day. I’m just glad I got a shot of it before I ate it.
Do so at your own peril. I am also starting to buy into a new theory of using up your luck, by getting lucky, the night before a fishing trip. As outlined in Alex Cerveniak’s Lake Effect II on Drake blog.
I keep my karma bucket filled to the brim