I’m contemplating putting this design with the punk rock popper on a hoodie. If I do, I’ll be taking pre-orders to cover the cost of doing it. I’ll have the hoodie design hashed out by next week (got a full plate of tying/travel this week). If you get it, then you’ll get it. Get it?

Had this weekend off from any traveling and I wasn’t wasting it. Cranked out some musky flies using some Primo Tail products. Those Hang Time Hacklers are good shit. Get some when you can.

On Tuesday night I’ll be at a bar in Indianapolis with the Reel Women Reel Men of Indianapolis for their Bar Flies night. I’ll be tying Chewy’s with some modifications (thanks Josh) since their first version. If you can’t tweak a fly, what can you tweak? Besides nipples. Nipples are meant for tweaking. Next time your friend isn’t paying attention, tweak away. This doesn’t work on the wives though. I’m told they get angry.


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