Got a shout out from Fish Jerks. Fish Jerks might be one of my most favorite places to waste time on the internets. It’s like looking into a mirror. Punk rock, fly fishing, skateboarding, and some awesome drawings? It don’t get much better than that. I mean I was scrolling through and saw an old Plan B Pat Duffy video. That made me happy. I remember watching that when it came out and being so blown away by those Plan B guys. Nothing beat that backside boardslide in the rain. Now I’m sitting here watching old skate videos, reminiscing on micro wheels that would go out of their way to find the hell rocks that would put you on your face with the quickness. Man I don’t miss the early 90s scene. Boards were still going from double kick to what they are now, the wheels were too small, and the trucks for the most part were holdouts from the 10″ board days. Who am I kidding? If someone offered, I’d go back in time in a heartbeat just to re-live those days.
This is me feeling cooler than Vanilla Ice in his 5.0 with the ragtop down so my hair can blow
Yeah, that’s right, I went there. Robert VanWinkle
and just cause The Gonz is STILL amazing