Been taking a little hiatus from everything. I kinda felt like I needed a break from tying through this long ass horrible for fishing winter. I’m tired of it. I get up, I go to work, I come home and tie flies until it’s time to pass out. I rinse, I repeat, and I stumble like a zombie through the week. Spring cannot get here soon enough. My casting arm twitches. Hell I’ll even cast right handed if it gets me on the water. And I won’t complain about it.
Here’s The Derp doing derpy things
I’m ready for warm. I’m ready for smallmouth. I’m ready for carp. I’m ready for gar. Hell, I’ll even purposely target bluegill, I haven’t done that in awhile. I’ve got the shack nasties bad. It snowed hard last night. It’s spring. It’ll be 50 in a few days and the rivers will be blown for weeks. I’m sure I’m not alone in this twilight state I’ve been living in. I bet there’s a hundred more like me.
I might have a SBS of a big weedless bass/pike fly up soon. I swear I’m not going anywhere.
Seems we’ve all got the blahs at the moment. Winter’s worn us down and spring’s close enough to taste. Can’t freakin’ wait.
It’s almost here. I keep staring at the weather channel’s projected outlooks..
I’ve got ’em bad too, and I’m not sure that Saturday’s beautiful weather helped. Having it followed by a snowstorm that shut down every school in the county only makes it that much crueler.
Yeah we have been snowed in now since around late october. Rivers wont be fishy up here untill around mid may, first more ice then a few weeks of chocolate milkshake springfloods. The fjords is a different matter though, this coming weekend will be my first trip after searun browns since… well, late october. Cant wait!
Tight (ice encrusted) lines,
– Norway
Sounds like it’s time to think about moving a little further south bro.
definitely a thought in my head at all times homie